The newsletter of the Alpine Network of Protected Areas N°69 - September 2018

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n° 69 | september 2018 NEWS  CALENDAR  FOCUS ON

Once again this summer many tourists have visited the Alps. Tourism has a considerable impact on the Alpine territories, including on the protected areas. Developing a more sustainable approach to tourism is the core concern of several parks.  With Destination Parks ALPARC is working on this topic to develop a joint position regarding the tourism offer of the Alpine protected areas.

Find out about this project and the other main latest achievements of the Network in this newsletter.


News from the network ALPARC

ALPBIONET2030 – Getting Concrete

Identifying the Strategic Alpine Connectivity Areas (SACA) and proposing some concrete actions to safeguard their role for an Alpine ecological network – that is one of the main challenges facing the ALPBIONET2030 project. During the project Mid-term...Leggi tutto

YOUrALPS project: first milestones on Mountain-oriented education reached

Mountain-oriented education plays a key role to instil in young generation the sensibility and the knowledge of Alpine cultural and natural heritage. A stronger coordination between formal and non- formal education represents therefore a big potential...Leggi tutto

Climate change at the heart of Youth at the Top 2018

© UNESCO-Welterbe Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch The 4th edition of Youth at the Top took place on the 12th and the 13th of July 2018 in 44 destinations of the Alps and the Carpathians. The event brought together more than 530 young people and...Leggi tutto

Destination Parks Event Series: More “Value” for Tourism in the Alps

The summer tourist season is almost over, and it has again brought many people from Europe and elsewhere to the Alps and their protected areas. Their nature experience has without doubt not been the same for everyone: some might have experienced overcrowded...Leggi tutto

News from the protected areas

New Biosphere Reserves in the Alps

Last July 2018 two new areas were recognised as UNESCO Biosphere Reserves in Italy: the Valle Camonica – Alto Sebino Biosphere Reserve and the Ticino, Val Grande Verbano Biosphere Reserve, which has been extended. This is an important step towards...Leggi tutto

International news

The International Bearded Vulture Observation Day

The International  Observation Day (IOD) for bearded vultures have started in 2006 and consist in a one-day simultaneous count of bearded vultures across the whole Alpine arc, organised by the International Bearded Vulture Monitoring network (IBM),...Leggi tutto

The youth project competition “Your Alps! Your Future! Your Idea” calls for application until October 31st

The European Commission, together with the actual President of the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP), the Tyrol, invite young people aged from 16 to 25 years to take part in the youth competition “Your Alps! Your Future! Your Idea”...Leggi tutto

5th International Workshop “Mountain-oriented Education in Alpine Protected Areas” | 03-05/10/2018

ALPARC workshop: “Mountain tourism in transition: developing and marketing sustainable nature tourism products in Alpine parks” | 08-09/10/2018

YOUrALPS Infoday in Germany | 18-19/10/2018

Young Ideas for the Alps! GaYA conference on youth participation and governance | 30/11/2018

WeWild project closing event: “The Future of Mountain Experience in the Alps – Towards a Sustainable Management of Nature and Mountain Sports”| 07/11/2018

24th Danilo Re Memorial 2019 & ALPARC General Assembly | 24-27/01/2019

Conference: Make Climate Visions Become Reality! | 07-08/11/2018

2nd EUSALP Annual Forum | 20-21/11/2018

Mountain Wilderness conference, Switzerland | 30-31/11/2018
Save the date: WeWild project closing event!

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F-73000 Chambéry
Tél : +33(0)4 79 26 55 00
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