YOUrALPS Final Conference: Celebrating Youth Contributions

vendredi, 15 novembre 2019

YOUrALPS came to an end on October 10th and 11th by celebrating young people's participation and contribution to the project. A certification ceremony  was the perfect occasion to do just this, as the first 8 Alpine Schools and their partners were thanked and rewarded for their commitment to the implementation of the Alpine School Model.
Political representatives, students, educators and other people involved in the project took to the stage to speak about their perspectives on the mountain environment and the importance of Mountain-oriented Education.

To conclude the first day of celebrations, a beautiful live concert was held. The second day of the event featured thematic excursions and a workshop on the future of the international network OurAlps.

The press release is availabe for download in the following languages: English, French, Italian, German, and Slovenian.

For further information:
Check out the latest video of the project presenting the Alpine School
Visit the project's website
Learn more about the OurAlps Network
Follow the project on Facebook

ALPARC - Le Réseau Alpin des Espaces Protégés

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