Launch of the French Presidency of EUSALP « Together for a greener Alpine Region »

1, 04.02.2020
  • Language FR
  • Date 04/02/2020
  • Place Hôtel de Région, 69002 Lyon
  • Country France

The EUSALP presidency is passing from Italy to France in this year.

The event will focus on sharing the priorities of the French presidency and collecting ideas over different topics like: sustainable tourism, green energy, biodiversity protection, agriculture...

The European Union Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP) involves 7 states and almost 50 regions. For these territories, the Alps with their foothills and lowlands represent a specific asset and challenge. Highly exposed to the consequences of climate change, the Alpine massif needs rapid responses. Tourism, biodiversity, agriculture, mobility, energy... EUSALP encourages innovative approaches adapted to mountain issues. Come participate and share common ambitions at the launch of the French presidency.

ALPARC - Mreža zavarovanih območij v Alpah

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